Wednesday, March 31, 2010
  Work with Daddy
Today we had a big outing.  JMJ went to say hi to all the folks at Daddy's work. 

He was a big hit and humbly layed there as everyone coo'd and awe'd

Then, super awesome Daddy took super awesome Mommy to lunch and super awesome baby slept through the whole thing.  What a great day!
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Now invited to be a coauthor of this blog is the daddy person.  Lets hope he pipes in from time to time with his tremendous wit and insight into our world. 

Just so you know, Mags is extremely offended he wasn't invited first.  I'm not sure if he will forgive so easily. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010
  @ the office
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
  End of Spring Break
Forgive that I meant to post this days ago but I've been busy.  It is very time consuming being a dairy mama these days.  But these are things I am sure I should keep to myself.  Onward...

So spring break is over and Spring has officially sprung.  PCH grudgingly makes his way to school in the morning and I am itching to plant something.  I haven't been able to get my hands into the dirt just yet.  With Texas weather, one should err on the side of "it's gonna freeze one more time" mentality.  Case in point, is last Sunday.
This was our view that greeted us on the second day of Spring.

 and this...

and this...

I think we are all a little tired of snow, however, it did give me the opportunity to use the little snow suit I was sure would go unworn.

How cute is this snow creature!

and it was an opportunity to get a few last snow pics before everything turned green and beautiful.  Although, I'm not sure that everyone was excited about it as I was.

Well I love everyone of their beautiful, unhappy faces anyway!  

Sunday, March 21, 2010
  baby/boy/man stuff
Life is a transition and not an easy transition to boot.

First, we start off safe and secure.  We are buckled into everything so we don't get shaken around too much.

Then we grow up to be a happy and care-free teenagers. Yeah, I'm streatching the line a little by using the word happy and teenager in the same sentence. But he looks happy at least.

Then they have to grow up and do grown up like things! 

One of the exciting things we did for PCH was open up a savings account for him.  He is saving his hard earned allowance to purchase contacts (a very grown up thing to do).  His eye doc said he was physically mature for them, but would recommend that before we got them, to see how emotionally mature he was to handle them....ergo the bank account and earning of the dough to deposit into it.

Here he goes....The first deposit...

I was a little (VERY) sad and a little (VERY VERY) proud that he wanted to go in himself and make the drop.  Although, I'm pretty sure it was mainly so he didn't have to be seen with me.

 Yes he is!

I have one on the verge of being a man.  He is doing grown up things and beginning to explore his world independently  (in a very safe and secure environment of course!)  and the other one is just embarking on a whole new alien world.  I am a little panicked, and very exhausted, at the idea that I have to do all this hard work all over again. Yet, the warm fuzzy heart that comes with it makes it all worth while. 

A mama has to take care of her boys and make sure they all grow up healthy and strong.

So this is where I am at!  

 one big happy family!

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Friday, March 19, 2010
  Watching the Wheels

 Oh how wise you were Mr. Lennon.

So much in this world seems dependent on how much one accomplishes in a life time.  Problem is that the standard for accomplishment these days seems so skewed.  It can be all too much at times.  Trying to keep up appearances with the neighbor who have mortgaged them self into foreclosure just so they can keep up with their neighbor seems so futile and exhausting.  Having to drag oneself out of bed to go to that job that makes you want to bash your head on a desk is all so depressing.  I agree that a bit of all of that is necessary in order to survive, but in my perfect world just having the necessities in life and my family around me is what I really want.  I would rather be poor and happy than rich and empty.

Having children 12 years apart has really opened my eyes to what is really important in my life.  When I was in my early 20's, I was all about finishing that degree and landing that perfect job with the best benefits.  I felt I'd really lucked out with a shiny new government job to go with my shiny new diploma.  I was really miserable.  I really hated it. I really wanted to bang my head on the desk and poke out my eyeballs....I was not happy.  I went home exhausted.... It was what I was supposed to do.  I stopped painting, which was something I was really passionate about.

12 years later I stay home with the kids, I paint most every day, I am still exhausted, I don't care if the neighbor has a bigger house or new car, and most importantly I am finally happy.  Watching my family grow healthy and strong is my priority......and hope that at the end of the year there might be a little extra left over for a vacation or two.

I'll just leave the rat race to the rats.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
  It only takes a year......

In the last year so many blessings have crossed my path.  It has been a year like no other.  I have embraced so many life changes and I am amazed.  The real kicker is that it is not necessarily the fact that so many wonderful things have happened to me in such a short amount of time that amazes me. What really boggles my mind is how much my body has deteriorated while receiving such blessings.  This ol' gal is worn out!  Today, I barely survived a slow walk around the neighborhood.  This was not the case last year.  In fact, one year ago I was training for a half marathon.  I was running several miles a day at this point. Man, I miss that feeling!  I had energy and felt great. Now, I know I have many valid reasons as to my state of worn-outed-ness.  Most of them being that I was sliced in half to remove another human out of my body a month ago.  I understand this!  I also understand that the tremendous lack of sleep that comes standard with the new baby is also kicking my ass.  I'm sure the [# redacted] pounds I have gained this year isn't helping, but I still miss the feeling of having energy, strength and stamina.  I can't wait for that 6 week check-up when the good doctor releases me from c-section purgatory and I can begin training my body back into shape.  I also can't wait for Baby JMJ to start sleeping more during the night so my waking hours are not so turned upside down.  In the meantime, I will continue to count my blessings and be thankful that I have the ability to improve my strength.  I will also try not to overdo it and push my body too hard.....I said I will TRY.

 On a different note, I am so ready for spring.  I am ready to be able to work in my yard and plant my flowers!  I am contemplating another go at container gardening. Patio tomatoes are on the list for sure!  I plan to spend the weekend getting my seedlings started and my dirt and pots in a row.  I know it is too soon for all out spring has sprung activities.  In fact, I hear we have a little snow in our forecast.  That doesn't mean I can't begin my prepping.  Hopefully, I will also have some help repotting a few desperate house plants this coming week.  Lord, I am so tired thinking about it already!  Give me strength!

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
  The Partner in Crime
I was a single mom for so many years.  It is not easy.  In fact it is down right impossible at times.  Fortunately, life smiled on me and brought my BFS back into my life after so many long years (we go way back....pre-motherhood history...long story).  And then God double smiled and gave us Baby J.  Poor guy didn't know what he was getting himself into when he took on the challenge that was me and P, and now he has a J to throw in the mix.  Here's to you brave man.  To have the love of a partner that you can rely on and be a parent with is priceless. 

My Hero

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Monday, March 15, 2010
  Back to ye old blogger
It has been a long time since I used my Blogger acct to blog. I normally blog here, but I figured I should dust this acct off and use it for something worthwhile. What better use than to blog about my wonderful and interesting life of motherhood. Even so, I must type this fast because, as I type, I have a 3 week old to my left in the throes of a naps end, and to my right I have a 12yr old crashing cars on the xbox. He is excitedly talking about how he will be an awesome driver in a few years. Dear Lord, help me survive this.

To have a 12yr old and 3 week old means I am dealing with two of the most difficult ages in human nature both at the same time. My grocery list consists of diapers and zit cream. Dear Lord, help me survive this.
With these faces! Are you kidding. I can survive anything!

(Still check out my website http://wenderflonia.com for posts about my paintings and other whatnots)

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This is a general blog about a regular gal who has a hard time organizing her thoughts & activities. I am creative and fun in every aspect of my life which is awfully inconvenient at times but leads to a language and world wholly on its own. This is my personal blog and to read more about my secret identity as an artist check out http://www.wenderflonia.com

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