So much in this world seems dependent on how much one accomplishes in a life time. Problem is that the standard for accomplishment these days seems so skewed. It can be all too much at times. Trying to keep up appearances with the neighbor who have mortgaged them self into foreclosure just so they can keep up with their neighbor seems so futile and exhausting. Having to drag oneself out of bed to go to that job that makes you want to bash your head on a desk is all so depressing. I agree that a bit of all of that is necessary in order to survive, but in my perfect world just having the necessities in life and my family around me is what I really want. I would rather be poor and happy than rich and empty.
Having children 12 years apart has really opened my eyes to what is really important in my life. When I was in my early 20's, I was all about finishing that degree and landing that perfect job with the best benefits. I felt I'd really lucked out with a shiny new government job to go with my shiny new diploma. I was really miserable. I really hated it. I really wanted to bang my head on the desk and poke out my eyeballs....I was not happy. I went home exhausted.... It was what I was supposed to do. I stopped painting, which was something I was really passionate about.
12 years later I stay home with the kids, I paint most every day, I am still exhausted, I don't care if the neighbor has a bigger house or new car, and most importantly I am finally happy. Watching my family grow healthy and strong is my priority......and hope that at the end of the year there might be a little extra left over for a vacation or two.
This is a general blog about a regular gal who has a hard time organizing her thoughts & activities. I am creative and fun in every aspect of my life which is awfully inconvenient at times but leads to a language and world wholly on its own. This is my personal blog and to read more about my secret identity as an artist check out
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