Thursday, March 18, 2010
  It only takes a year......

In the last year so many blessings have crossed my path.  It has been a year like no other.  I have embraced so many life changes and I am amazed.  The real kicker is that it is not necessarily the fact that so many wonderful things have happened to me in such a short amount of time that amazes me. What really boggles my mind is how much my body has deteriorated while receiving such blessings.  This ol' gal is worn out!  Today, I barely survived a slow walk around the neighborhood.  This was not the case last year.  In fact, one year ago I was training for a half marathon.  I was running several miles a day at this point. Man, I miss that feeling!  I had energy and felt great. Now, I know I have many valid reasons as to my state of worn-outed-ness.  Most of them being that I was sliced in half to remove another human out of my body a month ago.  I understand this!  I also understand that the tremendous lack of sleep that comes standard with the new baby is also kicking my ass.  I'm sure the [# redacted] pounds I have gained this year isn't helping, but I still miss the feeling of having energy, strength and stamina.  I can't wait for that 6 week check-up when the good doctor releases me from c-section purgatory and I can begin training my body back into shape.  I also can't wait for Baby JMJ to start sleeping more during the night so my waking hours are not so turned upside down.  In the meantime, I will continue to count my blessings and be thankful that I have the ability to improve my strength.  I will also try not to overdo it and push my body too hard.....I said I will TRY.

 On a different note, I am so ready for spring.  I am ready to be able to work in my yard and plant my flowers!  I am contemplating another go at container gardening. Patio tomatoes are on the list for sure!  I plan to spend the weekend getting my seedlings started and my dirt and pots in a row.  I know it is too soon for all out spring has sprung activities.  In fact, I hear we have a little snow in our forecast.  That doesn't mean I can't begin my prepping.  Hopefully, I will also have some help repotting a few desperate house plants this coming week.  Lord, I am so tired thinking about it already!  Give me strength!

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