Saturday, June 5, 2010
  Lordy What Did She Get Me Into Now!?

Look how fabulous Baby JuJu looks in his seriously old school cloth diaper get up.  All that is missing is the rubber pants. These things essentially haven't changed since my mother used them with me and my brother. Further research online shows amazing advances in cloth diapers, but I decided to go old school first. Mainly to get a feel of it and see if I am really committed.  Surely I will be. How hard can it be right!? Yikes!!!!

Why cloth you ask?  Because stories like this scare me.  Most people say, "bahh chemical schememical".  But I say, "No schememicals!"  Also, i feel so guilty every time I pop one in the diaper genie knowing it will take 500+ years to disappear. This article sums it up nicely:  Diapers, Diapers, & More Diapers: Cloth vs. Disposables. and this one will scare you!  A Diaper's Environmental Pollution.

In the mean time.....
It has been approximately 24 hours and it hasn't been that bad. OK I cheated last night.  Baby J is finally sleeping through the night and my selfish self didn't want to rock that boat, so he wore a disposable. Consulting with a few experienced CD'ers, I was told to get inserts to help with extra absorbency.  Will do!!!  I also haven't had to change a messy one yet but I was also told that since he is a breast baby the clean up isn't so bad yet.  I'll let you know how awful it is when we come to that bridge!

So will I continue to go old school or will I shell out the initial pricey investment of all the newfangled cloth diapering stuffs?  The initial cos has been $25.00.  That was for a few packages of Gerber Prefolded Organic Cloth Diapers, some pins and rubber pants, and detergent.  Not bad at all.  But the more I research and explore, I am seeing that there is so much cool stuff out there.

OK these fasteners are just cool!  I hope they work because I am ordering them.

I like the idea of an all in one system but one of the reasons I am doing this is to also save money.  These are a little pricey at around $15.75 a diaper.

I think for now I will go old school with the addition of the fasteners and inserts for nighttime absorption.  I may look into the cool covers that are reasonably priced because who knows WHAT those rubber pants are made of !

Happy Diapering y'all

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