Sunday, February 22, 2009
  Saturday Of Awsum
Saturday of Awesome Races

TRAINING: Saturday was Mini-Marathon training day. It was cold and windy and way too early in the Morning to run 4 miles. I did my mileage during the week so I wasn’t too concerned about not making the whole run. A very chilled Team in Training met at Rosebud Park at 8am. We warmed up and stretched and were off like lightning…..Well most were; I was more like a snail. I am not sure if I walk or run faster. Not too concerned about it since I am the least competitive person ever and I did finish (and didn’t die). I felt pretty good actually, and am ready to kick 5 miles’ ass this week.
Afterward, Bethany and I took Parker and Dakota to have their pictures taken together. I really look forward to getting them back in a few weeks. I am not usually one for cheesy studio portraits, but these kids are cute! Once we finished, we headed off to meet Jason and Caleb for a delicious Mexican lunch. Then home for a quick nap, pick parker up from a basketball game and head to The Race. The next race of the day was pure spectatorship and will stand out as the most amusing race I’ve ever witnessed.

THE GREAT RACE: There is one good thing I can say about living in a small redneck town. One is never short of cheap and amusing entertainment. Jason informed me of The Great Race a few days ago and I thought he was kidding. Apparently, Bo and Leo Barnes challenged each other to a race to prove who was faster. Not sure of all the particulars, but I can assure you that lots of beer was involved in this decision making process. The race was to be held at the twin oaks (literally two trees on the side of the road a little ways from the farm).
It turned out to be the event of the year. Bets were flying, children were bundled up in camo, and it was a sea of Wearguard coveralls. I’d bet there was around 100 people there just by word of mouth. Leo showed up with his entourage and a Full Throttle. He was looking shiny, young and fresh. Already half an hour late, we eagerly anticipated the arrival of the rival brother. There was still time for some last minute betting and heavily debated discussions of where the actual race was to begin. 50 yards was agreed upon, and Foreman Neil and Ryan proceed to step off the distance and mark the starting line. Unfortunately, for all of us with a good zoom on our camera’s, we soon learned that Thomas “Forman” Neil took his duties as a marker literally and marked the spot much like my puppy Mags would have. Lord save the rednecks!
Honking was heard in the distance and Bo and his band of hot chicks arrived (Brina and Tosha). Everyone expected a flashy entrance and we were not disappointed. Bo exited his truck bed in true rocky style, donned with towel and robe. Actually, with the addition of the cowboy hat and cigarette it was more like Rocky meets the Bandit, Burt Reynolds style. After much heehawing and pacing around each other (and a few last minute beer guzzling) the racers and their crew took their mark. Lightning Leo ancy and hopped up on Full Throttle was raring to go. Bo the Bolt was prepared for aerodynamic fusion in his thermal underarmor shirt and lucky Speedo. Oddly enough, I was more shocked by the fact that Bo owned tennis shoes than a Speedo. The pistol fired and the runners were off. It looked redneck-in-neck but the sun was in most peoples eyes to be sure. Then suddenly, Bo the Bolt was just too much Speedo and leg for Lightning Leo to handle (or stomach) and Bo was the clear victor.
In the victor’s circle, appearing with his impromptu appointed manager, Forman Neil, much discussion ensued about upcoming races in the European circuit (Especially Amsterdam). Once pictures were taken, beer cans picked up and kids corralled, plans were made to enjoy food and merriment at The Farm. Thanks to Cash’s amazing culinary skills we were presented with Dips (Blue, Purple, Pink flavors) and Chips that left you wanting more beer (The colorful dips really were delicious). Maybe it was all the Bud Light but it really made me proud to be a redneck.

To see a visual account of this event see my Picasa page: http://picasaweb.google.com/wenderflonium/TheBigRace/

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