Thursday, February 26, 2009
  Garden Of Delight

February is already coming and going! It's time to fertilize, prune and hedge back all those shrubs, trees and perennials that bud on new growth. It's also time to do any repotting of houseplants or anything overwintered in containers. Then, it's more of a watch and wait scenario. So much of my plant babies are already showing signs of buds and new life, but I don't really have much going on in terms of gardening at the moment. I have mainly been slowly getting around to pruning and hedging anything that needs it and starting my seeds. I am desperate to start digging in the dirt, but I know what a bad idea that would be. I'm sure we are in for at least one more good cold spell before Easter. I am also superstitious enough to know that the second I stick a spade in the ground, snow will fall out of the sky.

I never start spring planting before Easter. However, that doesn't include indoor propagation. I am deeply satisfied as a gardener, and humble servant of the land, when I know I raised a beautiful plant from a tiny seed to its mature state (plus, it's 95% cheaper and just as easy to do it yourself than buying specimens from the nursery). I started my seeds indoors several weeks ago, and have been attempting a picture diary. Unfortunately, my pictures are spread across 3 cameras and haven't been organized well. Currently, I am growing a few varieties of Zinnias (seen above), as well as Columbine, Hollyhock, Salvia, and Blue Flax. My herb selection includes various colors of Basil, Oregano, Cilantro, Parsley, Mint, Fennel, Lavender,Lemon Balm and Rosemary. So far, all of my seeds have come up, and I am doing the dreaded thinning. It makes me so sad to kill the innocent, but it's better to not have an over-crowding issue.

Calling the local Agricultural Extension office is a great way to get information about one's county or area's zone hardiness. They also know what's been proven to grow well in my neck of woods and are the hardest plants to kill. They do actual trials of specific plants and situations and will always have recommendations and tips. Twice a year, they also have plant sales in which one can order top growing specimens that would normally be rare and hard to find in local nurseries, at a fraction of the cost. Yesterday, I put in my order with the AgLife Extension Office for some of Texas' best and finest plants for my hardy zone 7b that I would be less likely to murder.

In the ornamental grass category: I chose Little Blue Stem, Mexican Feather Grass and Autum Glow.

In the perennials category: I got White Oxalis. These are a fantastically hardy plant that is drought resistant and attracts butterflies. (Butterfly attractiveness is one of the main things I look for in a perennial.) I also ordered passion flower vines. This vine features a super spaceship looking blue flower. I was told to order 2, one for the butterflies and one for me. I also chose Cotton Lavender and Green Santolina. These make amazing ground cover and fillers in a natural landscape.

In the Shrub category: I added a Hardy Flare Hibiscus that I plan on babying in a container for a few years, and an American Beautyberry. I have heard wonderful thing about this bush and it produces long stems of beautiful and tasty berries.

In the rose category: I chose a few eye poppers and nose tempters. The Antique Cadenza is an amazingly hardy, deep red, climbing rose shrub with an out-of-this-world fragrance. To compliment this rose shrub, I added the Duchesse de Brabant rose. This rose is cream to pink and equally fragrant. Maybe later on I will add some white Knock-Outs to add more ooompf....Phases...phases! I have to learn that I can do things in stages and not all at once.

One of the main issue I am having right now is garden confusion. I'm still working and planning stuff for the farm here....but we will be moving this summer to Anna with Simon, and so my main area of gardening concentration will be there. I guess I will have to have a hard lesson in consolidation. I am used to having acres to do what ever I wanted to. Soon, I will have to figure out how to fit 5 acres of plants and veggies in one main bed.......surely it won't be a problem........ DANG! Never-the-less, I am really looking forward to adding more urban landscape to my green thumb experience. It is so exciting!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
  Odd Dayz

I am not sure why it was an odd day for me, but it just felt a little out of sync. I was exhausted for one thing (not sure why). It was almost impossible to drag myself out of bed at 6am. In fact, I crawled out of bed at 6:20 telling the kid that he was late (oh so mean, I know!) and to hurry! When he rushed to the shower, I laid back down on the edge of the bed, while my sweet puppies crawled into my deserted warm spot. It’s a ‘you leave it, you loose it policy around here’. I finally managed to guilt myself into getting up and finishing “Mom duties”, but it was a pathetic breakfast spread of (generic…duh) Cinnamon Toast Crunch and organic 2% milk. I forgot to get cash for his lunch, so we dug thru the change jar ‘till we had $2.75. The bus arrived early, @ 7:03, and I was so relieved! Then I thought, “What the hell is wrong with me?!”.

This thought followed me throughout the entire work day. I just couldn’t get it together. I was exhausted, and discombobulated. I couldn’t focus on a single task. Worse came to worse when my mother asked me if I could watch my niece while she ran some errands. I agreed and she left with the promise (bribe) of bringing me back a cheese burger. Dakota slept most of the time, but did eventually wake up and we actually ended up having the best time ever crawling around on the floor making up songs that only a 9 month old would appreciate.

Anyway, the day just dragged on until I just couldn’t take it anymore. I eventually charged up the iPod and put on my shorts and t-shirt and headed outside into the magnificent sun. I managed to run a few miles…..literally only 2….and was done! At least Mags was happy he had a walk, and I received some much needed vitamin D. It was about this time that I started receiving friend requests left and right from Facebook. It was so wonderful to hear from friends of long ago, and is what actually made my day fantastic on a 10pt scale. I also had a great lecture to attend at the library. A local Nursery owner spoke about landscaping. I am now all pumped to do some serious landscaping but, unfortunately lack the land and funds to follow thru….ah well, I guess my geniusness will remain on paper till needed.

Since then, I have been trying to keep up with the bombardment of social networking demands and studying for my NCE’s (still). Tomorrow, I plan on catching up with all the behind work to do at work, wrapping up my private Art Lessons I've been giving for the last 3 years, and doing a little much needed baby shower shopping for this weekend. Yikes.

Monday, February 23, 2009
  Monday Melancholia

Today just seemed like a sad and strange day. Today, I was constantly aware of the harmful tools people used to keep themselves balanced. The Biggest example if this was sitting at the Dr.’s office with Parker, where I was forced to watch some of the worst parenting skills ever. (We sat in the office lobby for an hour to have his foot, that he hurt over the weekend, looked at.) During this time, I was able to see many examples of people “stand-ins”. I call them “stand-ins” because it is too sad to even think that the parenting techniques these people employed were conscious and deliberate. It was all so very sad. Now I am a little bit angry at myself for feeling such disgust for the future of the human race.

What was even worse was a humorous, if not disgustingly ironic, realization that just a few minutes ago I was LMAO at an episode of Family Guy. The episode portrayed some of the same behaviors I was so disgusted with earlier today as laughable situations. Being that it was just a TV show, and I can mostly tell the difference between sardonic humor and a sad state of reality, makes me feel a little better. Meh, so I have the ability to appreciate dark humor. I still love the Family Guy; and I’m pretty sure it is just a TV show. I know that means it is not real. However, the parents and crazy people who infiltrated the real part of my day with their cruelty were very real and sad. The only thing I can do at the moment is to go to sleep. Then, I will wake up and try to be the best parent I can possibly be without basing my technique on late night adult situational cartoons. Hopefully.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
  Saturday Of Awsum
Saturday of Awesome Races

TRAINING: Saturday was Mini-Marathon training day. It was cold and windy and way too early in the Morning to run 4 miles. I did my mileage during the week so I wasn’t too concerned about not making the whole run. A very chilled Team in Training met at Rosebud Park at 8am. We warmed up and stretched and were off like lightning…..Well most were; I was more like a snail. I am not sure if I walk or run faster. Not too concerned about it since I am the least competitive person ever and I did finish (and didn’t die). I felt pretty good actually, and am ready to kick 5 miles’ ass this week.
Afterward, Bethany and I took Parker and Dakota to have their pictures taken together. I really look forward to getting them back in a few weeks. I am not usually one for cheesy studio portraits, but these kids are cute! Once we finished, we headed off to meet Jason and Caleb for a delicious Mexican lunch. Then home for a quick nap, pick parker up from a basketball game and head to The Race. The next race of the day was pure spectatorship and will stand out as the most amusing race I’ve ever witnessed.

THE GREAT RACE: There is one good thing I can say about living in a small redneck town. One is never short of cheap and amusing entertainment. Jason informed me of The Great Race a few days ago and I thought he was kidding. Apparently, Bo and Leo Barnes challenged each other to a race to prove who was faster. Not sure of all the particulars, but I can assure you that lots of beer was involved in this decision making process. The race was to be held at the twin oaks (literally two trees on the side of the road a little ways from the farm).
It turned out to be the event of the year. Bets were flying, children were bundled up in camo, and it was a sea of Wearguard coveralls. I’d bet there was around 100 people there just by word of mouth. Leo showed up with his entourage and a Full Throttle. He was looking shiny, young and fresh. Already half an hour late, we eagerly anticipated the arrival of the rival brother. There was still time for some last minute betting and heavily debated discussions of where the actual race was to begin. 50 yards was agreed upon, and Foreman Neil and Ryan proceed to step off the distance and mark the starting line. Unfortunately, for all of us with a good zoom on our camera’s, we soon learned that Thomas “Forman” Neil took his duties as a marker literally and marked the spot much like my puppy Mags would have. Lord save the rednecks!
Honking was heard in the distance and Bo and his band of hot chicks arrived (Brina and Tosha). Everyone expected a flashy entrance and we were not disappointed. Bo exited his truck bed in true rocky style, donned with towel and robe. Actually, with the addition of the cowboy hat and cigarette it was more like Rocky meets the Bandit, Burt Reynolds style. After much heehawing and pacing around each other (and a few last minute beer guzzling) the racers and their crew took their mark. Lightning Leo ancy and hopped up on Full Throttle was raring to go. Bo the Bolt was prepared for aerodynamic fusion in his thermal underarmor shirt and lucky Speedo. Oddly enough, I was more shocked by the fact that Bo owned tennis shoes than a Speedo. The pistol fired and the runners were off. It looked redneck-in-neck but the sun was in most peoples eyes to be sure. Then suddenly, Bo the Bolt was just too much Speedo and leg for Lightning Leo to handle (or stomach) and Bo was the clear victor.
In the victor’s circle, appearing with his impromptu appointed manager, Forman Neil, much discussion ensued about upcoming races in the European circuit (Especially Amsterdam). Once pictures were taken, beer cans picked up and kids corralled, plans were made to enjoy food and merriment at The Farm. Thanks to Cash’s amazing culinary skills we were presented with Dips (Blue, Purple, Pink flavors) and Chips that left you wanting more beer (The colorful dips really were delicious). Maybe it was all the Bud Light but it really made me proud to be a redneck.

To see a visual account of this event see my Picasa page: http://picasaweb.google.com/wenderflonium/TheBigRace/
Friday, February 20, 2009
  What is going on In Creative Wenderland

Cameras are clicking, seeds are planted and shoes are running. It has really been a hectic few months. I feel like I am running all the time, even when I am not training for the marathon thingy.

Training Update: Group training is tomorrow and we are set to do 4 miles. Shouldn’t be too bad since Bethlys and I did 4 a few days ago……and didn’t die! Fundraising is crap right now…..Somebody motivate me to ask for money!

Master Gardener Class: Last night was an excellent lecture on rainwater harvesting. I really feel, even prior to this inspirational lecture, that this is something we all can do to preserve our limited supply of fresh water. It’s a drought people. Get those barrels out and collect from the roofs when it rains! So simple and cheap.

Photography: I am so excited about my new camera. Anyone who follows me on Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Picasa, or is unlucky to be Yahoo IM’ing me and Texting me (and the occasional real person I speak to) has heard all about my new camera. It’s a Canon DSLR (EOS Rebel Xsi). In high school, and in college, I used a fully manual SLR, Canon AE-1. In between, I have used Canon Powershots, point and click digital cameras. Not too shabby, but I really wanted something with a little more power and required more skill. The Camera arrived yesterday and my photographer senses are tingling. I’ve only been able to shoot a few shots off since late last night, but I was thoroughly impressed. You can check out and keep track of my past, present, and future skillz if you so desire.
This is a general blog about a regular gal who has a hard time organizing her thoughts & activities. I am creative and fun in every aspect of my life which is awfully inconvenient at times but leads to a language and world wholly on its own. This is my personal blog and to read more about my secret identity as an artist check out http://www.wenderflonia.com

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